"Algebra" derives from the first word of the famous text composed by Al-Khwarizmi. The name of this book is Al-Jabr wa'l muqabalah. Al-Khwarizmi also wrote a treatise on Hindu-Arabic numerals. Although the original Arabic text is lost, a Latin translation entitled Algoritmi de numero Indorum isresponsible for our mordern day word 'algorithm.'
Complex Fractions
Complex Numbers
Exponents and Exp Growth/Decay
Functions and Relations

Linear Equations
Writing Equations
Systems of Linear Equations
Converting Between Forms
Linear Inequalities

Like Terms And Polynomials
Radicals and Square Roots
Rational Expressions
- Quadratic Equations
- Three Variable Linear Equations (x + y + z = 11)
- What is the Greatest Integer Function?

Can you classify the
graphs below?