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What are the multiples of 8260 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8260 are:

8260, 16520, 24780, 33040, 41300, 49560, 57820, 66080, 74340, 82600, 90860, 99120, 107380, 115640, 123900, 132160, 140420, 148680, 156940, 165200, 173460, 181720, 189980, 198240, 206500, 214760, 223020, 231280, 239540, 247800, 256060, 264320, 272580, 280840, 289100, 297360, 305620, 313880, 322140, 330400, 338660, 346920, 355180, 363440, 371700, 379960, 388220, 396480, 404740

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