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What are the multiples of 8259 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8259 are:

8259, 16518, 24777, 33036, 41295, 49554, 57813, 66072, 74331, 82590, 90849, 99108, 107367, 115626, 123885, 132144, 140403, 148662, 156921, 165180, 173439, 181698, 189957, 198216, 206475, 214734, 222993, 231252, 239511, 247770, 256029, 264288, 272547, 280806, 289065, 297324, 305583, 313842, 322101, 330360, 338619, 346878, 355137, 363396, 371655, 379914, 388173, 396432, 404691

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