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Circles, Triangles, parallelograms and many more

∠ A 49.11 BC 10.9
∠ B 86.3 AC 14.39
∠ C 44.6 AB 10.12
Total 180
Interactive Triangle
Product Segments Chords
Parallel Lines Cut Transversal
Remote Exterior And Interior Angles Of A Triangle
Interactive Vertical Angles
Tangents Secants Arcs Angles
Interactive Parallelograms
Supplementary Angles
Central Angle of a Circle
Rotations in math
Triangle Inequality Theorem
Geometric Mean
Reflections Applet
Inscribed Angle of a Circle
Chord, Tangent and the Circle
Angles of intersecting chords theorem
Side Length of Tangent & Secant of a Circle
Side Splitter Theorem
Triangle Angle Bisector Theorem
Among All Shapes With the Same Area, the Circle Will Always Have the Smallest Perimeter
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