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Graph of Logarithm Equation

So what does a log graph look like?

There are two main 'shapes' that a logarithmic graph takes. Depending on whether b in the equation $$ y= log_b (x) $$ is less than 1 or greater than 1.

relationship between equation and graph of logarithm

Note: The two pictures up above do not include the case of b = 1.

Can you figure out why? What is special about the graph of $$ y = log_1 (x) $$?

Properties of Graph

Below you can see the graphs of 3 different logarithms. As you can tell, logarithmic graphs all have a similar shape.

Graphs of logarithms
Property 1

All logarithmic graphs pass through the point.

Property 2

The domain is:

All positive real numbers (not zero).

$$ \{x: x \in \mathbb{R}^+\} $$
Property 3

The range is: all real numbers.

$$ \{x: x \in \mathbb{R}\} $$

Property 4

It is a one-to-one function.

All real numbers. $$ \{x: x \in \mathbb{R}\} $$

Property 5

Has an asymptote that is a vertical line :

Property 6

Grow very slowly for large X ( explore with this applet ).

Property 7

Does not have horizontal asymptotes

Practice Problems

Problem 1

Can you identify which equation below represents a logarithmic equation?

Logarithmic graphs.

graph of logarithm

What are some applications of Logarithmic Graphs?

There are many real world examples of logarithmic relationships. Logarithms graphs are well suited.

  • When you are interested in quantifying relative change instead of absolute difference. Consider for instance the graph below.
  • When you want to compress large scale data. Consider for instance that the scale of the graph below ranges from 1,000 to 100,000 on the y-axis and 1 to 100 on the x-axis--such large scales which can be typical in scientific data are often more easily represented logarithmically.
  • pH scale for measuring acidity of a substance, decibel levels for audio measurement and the Richter scale for measuring earthquakes are all logarithmic. Read more at wikipedia about this.
real world example of logarithmic graph
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