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Similar Triangles Mixed Review Quiz

Practice Your Similar Triangles Knowledge

Similar Triangles Area and Perimeter Relationship Demo

Practice Problems

Problem 1

What is the symbol for similar?


Problem 2

If $$ \triangle ABC $$~$$\triangle WXY $$, then what side corresponds with CA?

CA and YW are corresponding.

Follow the letters: $$ \triangle \red A B \red C$$ ~ $$\triangle \red W X \red Y$$

For more practice identifying corresponding sides and angles, go here.

Problem 3

If $$ \triangle $$ ABC ~ $$\triangle $$ADE , AB = 40 and AD = 30, what is the similarity ratio?

Step 1) Pick a pair of corresponding sides (follow the letters) AB and AD are corresponding based on the letters of the triangle names
$$ \triangle \color{red}{AB}C$$ ~ $$\triangle \color{red}{AD}E$$
Step 2) Substitute side lengths into proportion $$ \frac{AB}{AD} = \frac{40}{30} $$
Step 3) Simplify (if necessary) $$
Problem 4

If If $$ \triangle $$ ACB ~ $$\triangle $$AXY and the similarity ratio is 2:5, what ist the measure of sie AC?

solve problem

Since AX and AC are corresponding, just set up a proportion and solve:

$ \frac{2}{5} = \frac{x}{10} \\ \frac{2 \cdot 10}{5} = x \\ x = 4 $

For more problems like this, go here.

Problem 5

Two triangles are similar, and the ratio of each pair of corresponding sides is 4 : 3 . Which statement regarding the two triangles is true?

Problem 6

Two triangles are similar, and the ratio of each pair of corresponding sides is 2 : 5. Which statement regarding the two triangles is true?

Problem 7
solve problem

$ \frac{P}{G} = \frac{H}{b} \\ \frac{4}{12} = \frac{3}{b} \\ 4 \cdot b = 36 \\ b= 9 $

For more problems like this, go here.

Problem 8

Are the two triangles below similar?

solve challenge

No, because the ratios of the sides are not proportional
For more problems like this, go here.

Problem 9

Are the two triangles below similar?

solve challenge

No, because the ratios of the sides are not proportional.
For more problems like this, go here.

Problem 10
Distinguish Similar Triangles
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