
Graphing Calc
Fun Games
Scientific Calc
Graphing Calc
Fun Games
Scientific Calc


    Dealing with Memory I
  • Reference Variables and Pointers
  • Assignment: Write 3 functions involving arrays. In all cases, use pointer notation. (ie *myarray++ not myarray[i] )
    • 1) should cout all elements in array
    • 2) should initialize all elements to random numbers between 1 and 100 of an array that is passed using pointer notation.
    • 3) should take two paramaters (both array pointers) and should copy the elements of the first array into the second array. Yes you can assume they have the same length
  • Two Dimensional Arrays in C++
  • download some sample code and and assingment on two dimensional arrays
    • Assignment : A local zoo wants to keep track of how many pounds of food each of its three monkeys eat each day during a typical week. Write a program that stores this information in a two dimensional 3 * 7 array, where each each row represents a different monkey and each column represents a different day of the week. The program should first have the user input the data for each monkey. Then it should create a report that includes the following information
      • Average amount of food eaten per day by the whole family of monkeys
      • Least amount of food eaten by any 1 monkey during the course of the week.
      • Greatest amount of food eaten by any 1 monkey during the course of the week
    Vectors :: PrimeFactorization
  • Assignment: Create a function that uses a vector to calculate the prime factorization of number. Don't lose this code as we might use it in an upcoming project.
  • C++ Classes
    • C++ Classes Compared to Java Classes
    • Assignment: Your First Assignment using a C++ class
        Below is a partially created class called 'vWrapper' as it largely functions as a wrapper class for a single private variable (a vector of ints). Download the code start playing around with it. The assignment instructions are in the comments in the code.
      • vWrapper class
    • Dynamic Memory Allocation
        • Here's some source code that demonstrates how you allocate and (de-allocate) dynamic memory.
        • Assignment 1: Write a function that dynamiclly allocates an array of integers. The function should accept an int parameter and, using new, should create an array of ints with random numbers. Return a pointer to this new array.
      • Strings
        • Useful Links for this project : cctype | cstring
        • Assignment: Write a class called Scstring (for 'super C-string)with the following functions: uppper,lower, reverseCase, mostFrequentDigit, sumOfDigits.
          • The upper function should accept a pointer to a C-string as an argument. It should step thorugh each character in the string, converting it to uppercase. The same idea for lower.
          • Like upper and lower, reverseCase should also accept a pointer to a string. As it steps through the string, it should test each caracter to determine whether it is upper- or lowercase and it should switch the case.
          • mostFrequentDigit does exactly what it sounds like it does.
          • sumOfDigits :: self explanatory
        Copy Constructors
      • link 1: When you can use the default copy constructor
      • link 2 & link 3:
        • When you should write your own copy constructor:
          • If the class does not have pointer variables with dynamically allocated memory, then one need not worry about defining a copy constructor
      • Here is some source code demonstrating a copy constructor.
      • Classes and operator overloading
      • Static Members
        • Account Assignment: Write a class that represents an Account at a bank (either savings or checking). The class should
          • have a default constructor Account()
          • at least 1 non default constructor Account(double b);
          • have the following public methods and fields
            • double getBalance()
            • void setBalance(double to);
            • void setinterestRate(double to);
            • int getAccountNum()
            • static int accountNumber
          • private fields
            • double balance ;
            • double interestRate
            • int accountNum
            • char * accountOwner
      • Bank
        • Create a Bank class that holds a vector full of accounts. This class should implement the following functionality
          • calculate the sum of all money in the bank
          • close a bank account (remove from vector)
          • add a new bank account
          • print out a comma separated list of all account owner names
        • Ineritance in C++
        • Inheritance Example Code(Taken from
          Although constructors and destructors of a base class are not inherited themselves, default constructor (i.e., its constructor with no parameters) and its destructor are always called when a new object of a derived class is created or destroyed."
        • Extend the Account Class
            write the following subclasses of Account
          • CheckingAccount . This class should provide public means of accessing and mutating the following private variables
            • int checksWritten
            • int checksBounced
            • bool is_overdrawn
          • SavingsAccount . This class should provide public means of accessing and mutating the following private variables
            • int minimum_balance
            • int is_underDrawn
  • Credit
    • 1) This code was taken from Tony Gaddis' Starting out with C++: From Control Structures through Objects. This example code is provided solely for my students.