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What are the multiples of 8256 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8256 are:

8256, 16512, 24768, 33024, 41280, 49536, 57792, 66048, 74304, 82560, 90816, 99072, 107328, 115584, 123840, 132096, 140352, 148608, 156864, 165120, 173376, 181632, 189888, 198144, 206400, 214656, 222912, 231168, 239424, 247680, 255936, 264192, 272448, 280704, 288960, 297216, 305472, 313728, 321984, 330240, 338496, 346752, 355008, 363264, 371520, 379776, 388032, 396288, 404544

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