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What are the multiples of 8253 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8253 are:

8253, 16506, 24759, 33012, 41265, 49518, 57771, 66024, 74277, 82530, 90783, 99036, 107289, 115542, 123795, 132048, 140301, 148554, 156807, 165060, 173313, 181566, 189819, 198072, 206325, 214578, 222831, 231084, 239337, 247590, 255843, 264096, 272349, 280602, 288855, 297108, 305361, 313614, 321867, 330120, 338373, 346626, 354879, 363132, 371385, 379638, 387891, 396144, 404397

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