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What are the multiples of 8244 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8244 are:

8244, 16488, 24732, 32976, 41220, 49464, 57708, 65952, 74196, 82440, 90684, 98928, 107172, 115416, 123660, 131904, 140148, 148392, 156636, 164880, 173124, 181368, 189612, 197856, 206100, 214344, 222588, 230832, 239076, 247320, 255564, 263808, 272052, 280296, 288540, 296784, 305028, 313272, 321516, 329760, 338004, 346248, 354492, 362736, 370980, 379224, 387468, 395712, 403956

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