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What are the multiples of 8083 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8083 are:

8083, 16166, 24249, 32332, 40415, 48498, 56581, 64664, 72747, 80830, 88913, 96996, 105079, 113162, 121245, 129328, 137411, 145494, 153577, 161660, 169743, 177826, 185909, 193992, 202075, 210158, 218241, 226324, 234407, 242490, 250573, 258656, 266739, 274822, 282905, 290988, 299071, 307154, 315237, 323320, 331403, 339486, 347569, 355652, 363735, 371818, 379901, 387984, 396067

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