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What are the multiples of 8081 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8081 are:

8081, 16162, 24243, 32324, 40405, 48486, 56567, 64648, 72729, 80810, 88891, 96972, 105053, 113134, 121215, 129296, 137377, 145458, 153539, 161620, 169701, 177782, 185863, 193944, 202025, 210106, 218187, 226268, 234349, 242430, 250511, 258592, 266673, 274754, 282835, 290916, 298997, 307078, 315159, 323240, 331321, 339402, 347483, 355564, 363645, 371726, 379807, 387888, 395969

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