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What are the multiples of 8079 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8079 are:

8079, 16158, 24237, 32316, 40395, 48474, 56553, 64632, 72711, 80790, 88869, 96948, 105027, 113106, 121185, 129264, 137343, 145422, 153501, 161580, 169659, 177738, 185817, 193896, 201975, 210054, 218133, 226212, 234291, 242370, 250449, 258528, 266607, 274686, 282765, 290844, 298923, 307002, 315081, 323160, 331239, 339318, 347397, 355476, 363555, 371634, 379713, 387792, 395871

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