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What are the multiples of 8056 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8056 are:

8056, 16112, 24168, 32224, 40280, 48336, 56392, 64448, 72504, 80560, 88616, 96672, 104728, 112784, 120840, 128896, 136952, 145008, 153064, 161120, 169176, 177232, 185288, 193344, 201400, 209456, 217512, 225568, 233624, 241680, 249736, 257792, 265848, 273904, 281960, 290016, 298072, 306128, 314184, 322240, 330296, 338352, 346408, 354464, 362520, 370576, 378632, 386688, 394744

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