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What are the multiples of 8040 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8040 are:

8040, 16080, 24120, 32160, 40200, 48240, 56280, 64320, 72360, 80400, 88440, 96480, 104520, 112560, 120600, 128640, 136680, 144720, 152760, 160800, 168840, 176880, 184920, 192960, 201000, 209040, 217080, 225120, 233160, 241200, 249240, 257280, 265320, 273360, 281400, 289440, 297480, 305520, 313560, 321600, 329640, 337680, 345720, 353760, 361800, 369840, 377880, 385920, 393960

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