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What are the multiples of 8014 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8014 are:

8014, 16028, 24042, 32056, 40070, 48084, 56098, 64112, 72126, 80140, 88154, 96168, 104182, 112196, 120210, 128224, 136238, 144252, 152266, 160280, 168294, 176308, 184322, 192336, 200350, 208364, 216378, 224392, 232406, 240420, 248434, 256448, 264462, 272476, 280490, 288504, 296518, 304532, 312546, 320560, 328574, 336588, 344602, 352616, 360630, 368644, 376658, 384672, 392686

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