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What are the multiples of 8001 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 8001 are:

8001, 16002, 24003, 32004, 40005, 48006, 56007, 64008, 72009, 80010, 88011, 96012, 104013, 112014, 120015, 128016, 136017, 144018, 152019, 160020, 168021, 176022, 184023, 192024, 200025, 208026, 216027, 224028, 232029, 240030, 248031, 256032, 264033, 272034, 280035, 288036, 296037, 304038, 312039, 320040, 328041, 336042, 344043, 352044, 360045, 368046, 376047, 384048, 392049

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