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What are the multiples of 7994 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 7994 are:

7994, 15988, 23982, 31976, 39970, 47964, 55958, 63952, 71946, 79940, 87934, 95928, 103922, 111916, 119910, 127904, 135898, 143892, 151886, 159880, 167874, 175868, 183862, 191856, 199850, 207844, 215838, 223832, 231826, 239820, 247814, 255808, 263802, 271796, 279790, 287784, 295778, 303772, 311766, 319760, 327754, 335748, 343742, 351736, 359730, 367724, 375718, 383712, 391706

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