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What are the multiples of 7991 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 7991 are:

7991, 15982, 23973, 31964, 39955, 47946, 55937, 63928, 71919, 79910, 87901, 95892, 103883, 111874, 119865, 127856, 135847, 143838, 151829, 159820, 167811, 175802, 183793, 191784, 199775, 207766, 215757, 223748, 231739, 239730, 247721, 255712, 263703, 271694, 279685, 287676, 295667, 303658, 311649, 319640, 327631, 335622, 343613, 351604, 359595, 367586, 375577, 383568, 391559

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