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What are the multiples of 5736 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5736 are:

5736, 11472, 17208, 22944, 28680, 34416, 40152, 45888, 51624, 57360, 63096, 68832, 74568, 80304, 86040, 91776, 97512, 103248, 108984, 114720, 120456, 126192, 131928, 137664, 143400, 149136, 154872, 160608, 166344, 172080, 177816, 183552, 189288, 195024, 200760, 206496, 212232, 217968, 223704, 229440, 235176, 240912, 246648, 252384, 258120, 263856, 269592, 275328, 281064

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