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What are the multiples of 5730 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5730 are:

5730, 11460, 17190, 22920, 28650, 34380, 40110, 45840, 51570, 57300, 63030, 68760, 74490, 80220, 85950, 91680, 97410, 103140, 108870, 114600, 120330, 126060, 131790, 137520, 143250, 148980, 154710, 160440, 166170, 171900, 177630, 183360, 189090, 194820, 200550, 206280, 212010, 217740, 223470, 229200, 234930, 240660, 246390, 252120, 257850, 263580, 269310, 275040, 280770

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