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What are the multiples of 5293 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5293 are:

5293, 10586, 15879, 21172, 26465, 31758, 37051, 42344, 47637, 52930, 58223, 63516, 68809, 74102, 79395, 84688, 89981, 95274, 100567, 105860, 111153, 116446, 121739, 127032, 132325, 137618, 142911, 148204, 153497, 158790, 164083, 169376, 174669, 179962, 185255, 190548, 195841, 201134, 206427, 211720, 217013, 222306, 227599, 232892, 238185, 243478, 248771, 254064, 259357

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