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What are the multiples of 5269 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5269 are:

5269, 10538, 15807, 21076, 26345, 31614, 36883, 42152, 47421, 52690, 57959, 63228, 68497, 73766, 79035, 84304, 89573, 94842, 100111, 105380, 110649, 115918, 121187, 126456, 131725, 136994, 142263, 147532, 152801, 158070, 163339, 168608, 173877, 179146, 184415, 189684, 194953, 200222, 205491, 210760, 216029, 221298, 226567, 231836, 237105, 242374, 247643, 252912, 258181

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