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What are the multiples of 5256 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5256 are:

5256, 10512, 15768, 21024, 26280, 31536, 36792, 42048, 47304, 52560, 57816, 63072, 68328, 73584, 78840, 84096, 89352, 94608, 99864, 105120, 110376, 115632, 120888, 126144, 131400, 136656, 141912, 147168, 152424, 157680, 162936, 168192, 173448, 178704, 183960, 189216, 194472, 199728, 204984, 210240, 215496, 220752, 226008, 231264, 236520, 241776, 247032, 252288, 257544

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