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What are the multiples of 5251 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5251 are:

5251, 10502, 15753, 21004, 26255, 31506, 36757, 42008, 47259, 52510, 57761, 63012, 68263, 73514, 78765, 84016, 89267, 94518, 99769, 105020, 110271, 115522, 120773, 126024, 131275, 136526, 141777, 147028, 152279, 157530, 162781, 168032, 173283, 178534, 183785, 189036, 194287, 199538, 204789, 210040, 215291, 220542, 225793, 231044, 236295, 241546, 246797, 252048, 257299

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