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What are the multiples of 5247 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5247 are:

5247, 10494, 15741, 20988, 26235, 31482, 36729, 41976, 47223, 52470, 57717, 62964, 68211, 73458, 78705, 83952, 89199, 94446, 99693, 104940, 110187, 115434, 120681, 125928, 131175, 136422, 141669, 146916, 152163, 157410, 162657, 167904, 173151, 178398, 183645, 188892, 194139, 199386, 204633, 209880, 215127, 220374, 225621, 230868, 236115, 241362, 246609, 251856, 257103

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