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What are the multiples of 5200 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5200 are:

5200, 10400, 15600, 20800, 26000, 31200, 36400, 41600, 46800, 52000, 57200, 62400, 67600, 72800, 78000, 83200, 88400, 93600, 98800, 104000, 109200, 114400, 119600, 124800, 130000, 135200, 140400, 145600, 150800, 156000, 161200, 166400, 171600, 176800, 182000, 187200, 192400, 197600, 202800, 208000, 213200, 218400, 223600, 228800, 234000, 239200, 244400, 249600, 254800

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