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What are the multiples of 5080 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5080 are:

5080, 10160, 15240, 20320, 25400, 30480, 35560, 40640, 45720, 50800, 55880, 60960, 66040, 71120, 76200, 81280, 86360, 91440, 96520, 101600, 106680, 111760, 116840, 121920, 127000, 132080, 137160, 142240, 147320, 152400, 157480, 162560, 167640, 172720, 177800, 182880, 187960, 193040, 198120, 203200, 208280, 213360, 218440, 223520, 228600, 233680, 238760, 243840, 248920

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