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What are the multiples of 5060 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5060 are:

5060, 10120, 15180, 20240, 25300, 30360, 35420, 40480, 45540, 50600, 55660, 60720, 65780, 70840, 75900, 80960, 86020, 91080, 96140, 101200, 106260, 111320, 116380, 121440, 126500, 131560, 136620, 141680, 146740, 151800, 156860, 161920, 166980, 172040, 177100, 182160, 187220, 192280, 197340, 202400, 207460, 212520, 217580, 222640, 227700, 232760, 237820, 242880, 247940

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