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What are the multiples of 5048 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5048 are:

5048, 10096, 15144, 20192, 25240, 30288, 35336, 40384, 45432, 50480, 55528, 60576, 65624, 70672, 75720, 80768, 85816, 90864, 95912, 100960, 106008, 111056, 116104, 121152, 126200, 131248, 136296, 141344, 146392, 151440, 156488, 161536, 166584, 171632, 176680, 181728, 186776, 191824, 196872, 201920, 206968, 212016, 217064, 222112, 227160, 232208, 237256, 242304, 247352

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