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What are the multiples of 5004 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 5004 are:

5004, 10008, 15012, 20016, 25020, 30024, 35028, 40032, 45036, 50040, 55044, 60048, 65052, 70056, 75060, 80064, 85068, 90072, 95076, 100080, 105084, 110088, 115092, 120096, 125100, 130104, 135108, 140112, 145116, 150120, 155124, 160128, 165132, 170136, 175140, 180144, 185148, 190152, 195156, 200160, 205164, 210168, 215172, 220176, 225180, 230184, 235188, 240192, 245196

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