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What are the multiples of 4950 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4950 are:

4950, 9900, 14850, 19800, 24750, 29700, 34650, 39600, 44550, 49500, 54450, 59400, 64350, 69300, 74250, 79200, 84150, 89100, 94050, 99000, 103950, 108900, 113850, 118800, 123750, 128700, 133650, 138600, 143550, 148500, 153450, 158400, 163350, 168300, 173250, 178200, 183150, 188100, 193050, 198000, 202950, 207900, 212850, 217800, 222750, 227700, 232650, 237600, 242550

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