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What are the multiples of 4900 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4900 are:

4900, 9800, 14700, 19600, 24500, 29400, 34300, 39200, 44100, 49000, 53900, 58800, 63700, 68600, 73500, 78400, 83300, 88200, 93100, 98000, 102900, 107800, 112700, 117600, 122500, 127400, 132300, 137200, 142100, 147000, 151900, 156800, 161700, 166600, 171500, 176400, 181300, 186200, 191100, 196000, 200900, 205800, 210700, 215600, 220500, 225400, 230300, 235200, 240100

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