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What are the multiples of 4875 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4875 are:

4875, 9750, 14625, 19500, 24375, 29250, 34125, 39000, 43875, 48750, 53625, 58500, 63375, 68250, 73125, 78000, 82875, 87750, 92625, 97500, 102375, 107250, 112125, 117000, 121875, 126750, 131625, 136500, 141375, 146250, 151125, 156000, 160875, 165750, 170625, 175500, 180375, 185250, 190125, 195000, 199875, 204750, 209625, 214500, 219375, 224250, 229125, 234000, 238875

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