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What are the multiples of 4840 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4840 are:

4840, 9680, 14520, 19360, 24200, 29040, 33880, 38720, 43560, 48400, 53240, 58080, 62920, 67760, 72600, 77440, 82280, 87120, 91960, 96800, 101640, 106480, 111320, 116160, 121000, 125840, 130680, 135520, 140360, 145200, 150040, 154880, 159720, 164560, 169400, 174240, 179080, 183920, 188760, 193600, 198440, 203280, 208120, 212960, 217800, 222640, 227480, 232320, 237160

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