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What are the multiples of 4030 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4030 are:

4030, 8060, 12090, 16120, 20150, 24180, 28210, 32240, 36270, 40300, 44330, 48360, 52390, 56420, 60450, 64480, 68510, 72540, 76570, 80600, 84630, 88660, 92690, 96720, 100750, 104780, 108810, 112840, 116870, 120900, 124930, 128960, 132990, 137020, 141050, 145080, 149110, 153140, 157170, 161200, 165230, 169260, 173290, 177320, 181350, 185380, 189410, 193440, 197470

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