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What are the multiples of 4009 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 4009 are:

4009, 8018, 12027, 16036, 20045, 24054, 28063, 32072, 36081, 40090, 44099, 48108, 52117, 56126, 60135, 64144, 68153, 72162, 76171, 80180, 84189, 88198, 92207, 96216, 100225, 104234, 108243, 112252, 116261, 120270, 124279, 128288, 132297, 136306, 140315, 144324, 148333, 152342, 156351, 160360, 164369, 168378, 172387, 176396, 180405, 184414, 188423, 192432, 196441

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