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What are the multiples of 3960 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3960 are:

3960, 7920, 11880, 15840, 19800, 23760, 27720, 31680, 35640, 39600, 43560, 47520, 51480, 55440, 59400, 63360, 67320, 71280, 75240, 79200, 83160, 87120, 91080, 95040, 99000, 102960, 106920, 110880, 114840, 118800, 122760, 126720, 130680, 134640, 138600, 142560, 146520, 150480, 154440, 158400, 162360, 166320, 170280, 174240, 178200, 182160, 186120, 190080, 194040

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