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What are the multiples of 3920 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3920 are:

3920, 7840, 11760, 15680, 19600, 23520, 27440, 31360, 35280, 39200, 43120, 47040, 50960, 54880, 58800, 62720, 66640, 70560, 74480, 78400, 82320, 86240, 90160, 94080, 98000, 101920, 105840, 109760, 113680, 117600, 121520, 125440, 129360, 133280, 137200, 141120, 145040, 148960, 152880, 156800, 160720, 164640, 168560, 172480, 176400, 180320, 184240, 188160, 192080

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