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What are the multiples of 3900 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3900 are:

3900, 7800, 11700, 15600, 19500, 23400, 27300, 31200, 35100, 39000, 42900, 46800, 50700, 54600, 58500, 62400, 66300, 70200, 74100, 78000, 81900, 85800, 89700, 93600, 97500, 101400, 105300, 109200, 113100, 117000, 120900, 124800, 128700, 132600, 136500, 140400, 144300, 148200, 152100, 156000, 159900, 163800, 167700, 171600, 175500, 179400, 183300, 187200, 191100

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