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What are the multiples of 3800 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3800 are:

3800, 7600, 11400, 15200, 19000, 22800, 26600, 30400, 34200, 38000, 41800, 45600, 49400, 53200, 57000, 60800, 64600, 68400, 72200, 76000, 79800, 83600, 87400, 91200, 95000, 98800, 102600, 106400, 110200, 114000, 117800, 121600, 125400, 129200, 133000, 136800, 140600, 144400, 148200, 152000, 155800, 159600, 163400, 167200, 171000, 174800, 178600, 182400, 186200

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