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What are the multiples of 3201 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3201 are:

3201, 6402, 9603, 12804, 16005, 19206, 22407, 25608, 28809, 32010, 35211, 38412, 41613, 44814, 48015, 51216, 54417, 57618, 60819, 64020, 67221, 70422, 73623, 76824, 80025, 83226, 86427, 89628, 92829, 96030, 99231, 102432, 105633, 108834, 112035, 115236, 118437, 121638, 124839, 128040, 131241, 134442, 137643, 140844, 144045, 147246, 150447, 153648, 156849

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