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What are the multiples of 3080 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3080 are:

3080, 6160, 9240, 12320, 15400, 18480, 21560, 24640, 27720, 30800, 33880, 36960, 40040, 43120, 46200, 49280, 52360, 55440, 58520, 61600, 64680, 67760, 70840, 73920, 77000, 80080, 83160, 86240, 89320, 92400, 95480, 98560, 101640, 104720, 107800, 110880, 113960, 117040, 120120, 123200, 126280, 129360, 132440, 135520, 138600, 141680, 144760, 147840, 150920

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