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What are the multiples of 3060 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3060 are:

3060, 6120, 9180, 12240, 15300, 18360, 21420, 24480, 27540, 30600, 33660, 36720, 39780, 42840, 45900, 48960, 52020, 55080, 58140, 61200, 64260, 67320, 70380, 73440, 76500, 79560, 82620, 85680, 88740, 91800, 94860, 97920, 100980, 104040, 107100, 110160, 113220, 116280, 119340, 122400, 125460, 128520, 131580, 134640, 137700, 140760, 143820, 146880, 149940

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