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What are the multiples of 3050 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3050 are:

3050, 6100, 9150, 12200, 15250, 18300, 21350, 24400, 27450, 30500, 33550, 36600, 39650, 42700, 45750, 48800, 51850, 54900, 57950, 61000, 64050, 67100, 70150, 73200, 76250, 79300, 82350, 85400, 88450, 91500, 94550, 97600, 100650, 103700, 106750, 109800, 112850, 115900, 118950, 122000, 125050, 128100, 131150, 134200, 137250, 140300, 143350, 146400, 149450

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