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What are the multiples of 3040 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3040 are:

3040, 6080, 9120, 12160, 15200, 18240, 21280, 24320, 27360, 30400, 33440, 36480, 39520, 42560, 45600, 48640, 51680, 54720, 57760, 60800, 63840, 66880, 69920, 72960, 76000, 79040, 82080, 85120, 88160, 91200, 94240, 97280, 100320, 103360, 106400, 109440, 112480, 115520, 118560, 121600, 124640, 127680, 130720, 133760, 136800, 139840, 142880, 145920, 148960

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