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What are the multiples of 3036 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3036 are:

3036, 6072, 9108, 12144, 15180, 18216, 21252, 24288, 27324, 30360, 33396, 36432, 39468, 42504, 45540, 48576, 51612, 54648, 57684, 60720, 63756, 66792, 69828, 72864, 75900, 78936, 81972, 85008, 88044, 91080, 94116, 97152, 100188, 103224, 106260, 109296, 112332, 115368, 118404, 121440, 124476, 127512, 130548, 133584, 136620, 139656, 142692, 145728, 148764

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