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What are the multiples of 3025 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3025 are:

3025, 6050, 9075, 12100, 15125, 18150, 21175, 24200, 27225, 30250, 33275, 36300, 39325, 42350, 45375, 48400, 51425, 54450, 57475, 60500, 63525, 66550, 69575, 72600, 75625, 78650, 81675, 84700, 87725, 90750, 93775, 96800, 99825, 102850, 105875, 108900, 111925, 114950, 117975, 121000, 124025, 127050, 130075, 133100, 136125, 139150, 142175, 145200, 148225

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