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What are the multiples of 3012 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 3012 are:

3012, 6024, 9036, 12048, 15060, 18072, 21084, 24096, 27108, 30120, 33132, 36144, 39156, 42168, 45180, 48192, 51204, 54216, 57228, 60240, 63252, 66264, 69276, 72288, 75300, 78312, 81324, 84336, 87348, 90360, 93372, 96384, 99396, 102408, 105420, 108432, 111444, 114456, 117468, 120480, 123492, 126504, 129516, 132528, 135540, 138552, 141564, 144576, 147588

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