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What are the multiples of 2975 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 2975 are:

2975, 5950, 8925, 11900, 14875, 17850, 20825, 23800, 26775, 29750, 32725, 35700, 38675, 41650, 44625, 47600, 50575, 53550, 56525, 59500, 62475, 65450, 68425, 71400, 74375, 77350, 80325, 83300, 86275, 89250, 92225, 95200, 98175, 101150, 104125, 107100, 110075, 113050, 116025, 119000, 121975, 124950, 127925, 130900, 133875, 136850, 139825, 142800, 145775

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